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Background imageTrending: Are we Downhearted? No! Not at Bognor

Are we Downhearted? No! Not at Bognor
World War One postcard featuring a wounded soldier, in hospital blues, convalescing in Bognor. Additional Manuscripts Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: AM 781/2/96

Background imageTrending: Gun crew in action on the Esplanade, Bognor Regis 1940

Gun crew in action on the Esplanade, Bognor Regis 1940
Taken at the eastern end of the Esplanade in the Summer of 1940. The domed frontage of the Theatre Royal complex is on the right

Background imageTrending: Map of Sussex, 1837

Map of Sussex, 1837
Map of Sussex coloured to show the six Sussex Rapes

Background imageTrending: Butlins temporary forecourt on Esplanade, Bognor Regis, c1934

Butlins temporary forecourt on Esplanade, Bognor Regis, c1934
Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: PH 2023

Background imageTrending: Railway poster, c1908

Railway poster, c1908
Poster used to promote the Selsey Tram which ran from Chichester to Selsey from 1897 to 1935 Additional Manuscript Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Add Mss 13773

Background imageTrending: Lambs in Snow at Soanes Farm, Petworth, 1932

Lambs in Snow at Soanes Farm, Petworth, 1932
Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N5530

Background imageTrending: Findon Fair, view of the long furlong near Findon, 14 September 1935

Findon Fair, view of the long furlong near Findon, 14 September 1935
The sheep are being driven from Angmering over the Downs to Findon Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N12007

Background imageTrending: Lamplighter in Lombard St. Petworth, 1931

Lamplighter in Lombard St. Petworth, 1931
Photograph by George Garland The photo was taken in 1931 therefore this print does have some original marks from the glass plate negative

Background imageTrending: Motor racing at Goodwood, 28 May 1955

Motor racing at Goodwood, 28 May 1955
Cars racing at Goodwood motor circuit. Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS 0285/8

Background imageTrending: Map Of Chichester, 1812

Map Of Chichester, 1812
Map includes area outside of the city walls

Background imageTrending: World War 1 English-French word-list for the Military Forces

World War 1 English-French word-list for the Military Forces. Contains useful words and phrases. Royal Sussex Regiment Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: RSR MS 5-75-1-3

Background imageTrending: Map of Chichester within the City Walls, 1812

Map of Chichester within the City Walls, 1812
Plan of the city of Chichester from an actual survey taken April 1812 by George Loader, Surveyor Printed Maps Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: PM 154

Background imageTrending: Street Plan of Worthing c1830

Street Plan of Worthing c1830
Shows Warwick House and gardens, Wortley House, Marine Library, Sea House Hotel, and New Town (built c1820s on what is now Clifton Road)

Background imageTrending: Duncton tithe map, 1837

Duncton tithe map, 1837
The boundaries are principally copied from The Earl of Egremonts Manorial Maps, executed by Crow, and revised and corrected under the direction of William Knight. 16 in. to 1m

Background imageTrending: Royal Engineers bomb disposal team at work, [Mar 1941]

Royal Engineers bomb disposal team at work, [Mar 1941]
Bognor Regis. The men are tying a rope around an unexploded bomb, which has come to rest several feet below a kale field near Shripney Road. The bomb fell on 19 March 1941

Background imageTrending: The mill at Sidlesham, 1900

The mill at Sidlesham, 1900
A front view of the mill John Fletcher Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No: PH 26114/9

Background imageTrending: Lithograph of The Cross, Chichester, 1834

Lithograph of The Cross, Chichester, 1834
The Market Cross, Chichester, from the north-east, drawn on stone by T M Baynes from an original drawing by Owen B Carter, Architect Fuller Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: F-PD 215

Background imageTrending: Hamsey Old Church near Lewes - 4 August 1948

Hamsey Old Church near Lewes - 4 August 1948
View up the track to old St Peters church, now used only in summer and at Christmas. Shelter with discarded farm machinery on left. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. N30768

Background imageTrending: East Grinstead tithe map, 1840

East Grinstead tithe map, 1840
Surveyor unknown. 13.3 in to 1 m. 89 × 83 Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/E45

Background imageTrending: Cuckfield tithe map, 1845

Cuckfield tithe map, 1845
Surveyor unknown. 8 in. to 1m. 53 × 42 Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/E91

Background imageTrending: Bathing Machines, Worthing

Bathing Machines, Worthing
Bathing machines, beach and pier, Worthing. View looking east across the shingle beach towards the pier, c1893. Walter Gardiner Photography Collection PP/WSL/WGP001184

Background imageTrending: Postman emptying the letterbox, 1960

Postman emptying the letterbox, 1960
The village postman collecting from the box by the pathway leading to Ebernoe Church. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N55114

Background imageTrending: Southdown Sheep Show showing the rear view of five sheep

Southdown Sheep Show showing the rear view of five sheep George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N12303

Background imageTrending: Silver Jubilee Programme for Ferring, 1935

Silver Jubilee Programme for Ferring, 1935
Poster detailing programme of entertainments celebrating King George Vs reign in the parish of Ferring, West Sussex Miscellaneous Papers Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: MP 5732

Background imageTrending: Farmer at Byworth, October 1933

Farmer at Byworth, October 1933
Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N8012

Background imageTrending: A modified auxiliary fuel tank being filled with beer, Bognor Regis, 1944

A modified auxiliary fuel tank being filled with beer, Bognor Regis, 1944
A Norwegian fighter pilot, sat on the wing of his Spitfire, looks on. A technician is writing Joy Juice xxx on the fuel tank

Background imageTrending: Duncton Church in snow - about February 1948

Duncton Church in snow - about February 1948
View across field to Holy Trinity Church. Hedge with small gate in the foreground. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N29489

Background imageTrending: Shepherd wearing a smock with his dog and sheep, January 1925

Shepherd wearing a smock with his dog and sheep, January 1925 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N873

Background imageTrending: VE Day in the High Street, Bognor Regis, 8 May 1945

VE Day in the High Street, Bognor Regis, 8 May 1945
L Alouette Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: L Alouette/A/1/23/8

Background imageTrending: Pipe band of the London Irish Rifles [1941]

Pipe band of the London Irish Rifles [1941]
At the head of a parade along the seafront in Bognor Regis L Alouette Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: L Alouette/A/1/10/6

Background imageTrending: The mill and waterwheel in Bosham, 18 May 1891

The mill and waterwheel in Bosham, 18 May 1891
Rear view of the mill and stream. Fishing nets are hung out to dry on a stone wall. Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No PH 26113/70

Background imageTrending: Land Girl at Cowdray, September 1939

Land Girl at Cowdray, September 1939
Girl leading horse with cart Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N18619

Background imageTrending: Royal Army Ordnance Corps - June 1944

Royal Army Ordnance Corps - June 1944
Group shot of officers and men. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N23293

Background imageTrending: Fittleworth Bowling Club, 1926

Fittleworth Bowling Club, 1926
7 members practising, all wearing jackets and hats George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N340

Background imageTrending: Cider press at Hillgrove, Sussex

Cider press at Hillgrove, Sussex
Two men with a cider press at Hillgrove, Sussex November 1933 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N8161

Background imageTrending: Bosham at high tide, 1903

Bosham at high tide, 1903
With the tide right up against the buildings, a woman can be seen doing her laundry John Fletcher Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No PH 26114/31

Background imageTrending: Miniature Railway, Bognor, 1909

Miniature Railway, Bognor, 1909
This railway of 10.25in gauge ran for one summer season. The builders of the Locomotive named " Winnie" were Robert Alexander Briggs and his son (seen driving) Robert Westrope Briggs

Background imageTrending: Fittleworth Smithy interior with two blacksmiths

Fittleworth Smithy interior with two blacksmiths
Fittleworth Smithy interior. Two blacksmiths, one working at the forge and one at the anvil. Many tools and horseshoes shown

Background imageTrending: Chidham Tithe Map, 1846

Chidham Tithe Map, 1846
By E. Fuller, Chichester. 13.3 in. to 1m. Original map size 54in. × 37in. Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/W30

Background imageTrending: Beach and Marine Parade, Worthing

Beach and Marine Parade, Worthing c.1895. View from the pier looking north west. On the right is a three-storey terrace with a canopied balcony on the first floor

Background imageTrending: Petworth Jail - c1860

Petworth Jail - c1860
Copy of an old print of the notorious Petworth House of Correction, as seen from the Tillington Road on which is seen a horse and carriage and several pedestrians

Background imageTrending: Boxgrove Tipteers, local amateur group in a Christmas Mummers Play October 1936

Boxgrove Tipteers, local amateur group in a Christmas Mummers Play October 1936
Christmas Mummers Play with the actors in a variety of costumes. October 1936 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N13694

Background imageTrending: Shepherd and sheep at feeding time, Byworth, October 1933

Shepherd and sheep at feeding time, Byworth, October 1933 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N8013

Background imageTrending: George Garland in a garden with his camera, September 1938

George Garland in a garden with his camera, September 1938 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N17335

Background imageTrending: East Grinstead: High Street, 1906

East Grinstead: High Street, 1906
The High Street at East Grinstead with steps going up to some shops. Photographer: John HB Fletcher. John Fletcher Collection (Photographer): " Wanderings in Sussex"

Background imageTrending: Beach at Aldwick, 1890

Beach at Aldwick, 1890. Photographer W. P. Marsh. Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 3967

Background imageTrending: Sea View Estate, Southwick

Sea View Estate, Southwick
Aerial photograph showing the construction of the Sea View Estate [Albion Street], Southwick

Background imageTrending: Chithurst Tithe Map, c. 1840

Chithurst Tithe Map, c. 1840
No date, but Tithe Award dated 1840. By Frederick & Henry E. Drayson. 26.6 in. to 1 m. Original map size 83in. × 36in. Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/W31

Background imageTrending: Lynton Station on the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway c. 1932

Lynton Station on the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway c. 1932
View of Lynton station and goods shed following the extension to the station building Ronald Shephard Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Shephard 1/38/3

Background imageTrending: Blackmoor Station - Lynton & Barnstaple Railway c. 1932

Blackmoor Station - Lynton & Barnstaple Railway c. 1932
Blackmoor Station - view of down train in the other platform Ronald Shephard Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Shephard 1/34/4

Background imageTrending: Derailment at West Hythe on RHDR c. 1927

Derailment at West Hythe on RHDR c. 1927
No.7 " Typhoon" lies on its side near the Prince of Wales Bridge at West Hythe following a collision with a tractor on the level crossing 1947 Ronald Shephard Collection West Sussex Record

Background imageTrending: Summers day scene of cricket in Priory Park, Chichester

Summers day scene of cricket in Priory Park, Chichester
Charity cricket match, 12 August 1956. Spectators sat on the banks of the city wall viewing the game

Background imageTrending: On the sand dunes, Littlehampton, 1920s

On the sand dunes, Littlehampton, 1920s
Three young women taking tea George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N69

Background imageTrending: Group of swimmers on Bognor beach, August 1920

Group of swimmers on Bognor beach, August 1920
Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No: PH 25961/1

Background imageTrending: Pulborough Hospital Parade, 13 August 1933

Pulborough Hospital Parade, 13 August 1933
Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N7724

Background imageTrending: Shepherd of Goodwood with crook and sheep dog, July 1933

Shepherd of Goodwood with crook and sheep dog, July 1933
Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N7561

Background imageTrending: Steam threshing, 1931

Steam threshing, 1931
Messrs. J.O. Lugg & Son of Billingshurst, threshing in the Petworth area Photograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N4922

Background imageTrending: Chichester Dairies lorries

Chichester Dairies lorries
Three lorries lined up in Chichester Dairies yard, 24 August 1962 Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS 1393/5

Background imageTrending: Wiggonholt cum Greatham Church, Wiggonholt

Wiggonholt cum Greatham Church, Wiggonholt
Sepia print of picturesque village church c1892. Lady standing at lych gate. Church has covered porch with opensides and lower stone wall and square tower

Background imageTrending: Petworth Railway Station - 2 May 1946

Petworth Railway Station - 2 May 1946
Man in Station Masters Uniform standing in front of railway platform sign. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N26471

Background imageTrending: WWII Land Army Girls - October 1943

WWII Land Army Girls - October 1943
Group of girls in their land army uniform sit together in their Club. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N22519

Background imageTrending: Heene tithe map, 1838

Heene tithe map, 1838
By Hide and Patching, Surveyors &c. Worthing. 26.6 in. to 1 m. 48 × 35 Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/W66

Background imageTrending: Cowfold tithe map, 1840

Cowfold tithe map, 1840
By William Duncum, Reading, Berks. 26.6 in. to 1 m. 104 × 92 Tithe Award Map Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: TD/W154

Background imageTrending: Leconfield Opening Meet, Petworth House - November 1938

Leconfield Opening Meet, Petworth House - November 1938
Huntsmen and women starting off, with Petworth House and spectators in the background. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N17549

Background imageTrending: Plaistow, 1909

Plaistow, 1909
View of the village from the road looking towards the church with horse and cart on left Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 26116/56

Background imageTrending: RSR 2 / 6th Battalion, The Golden Temple, Amritsar

RSR 2 / 6th Battalion, The Golden Temple, Amritsar
Royal Sussex Regiment Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: RSR Uncat Acc 3284 Vol 2 2/6th Batt/189 1916-19 Postcard. See 191 for reverse

Background imageTrending: RSR 16th Battalion, Sussex Yeomanry, group photograph

RSR 16th Battalion, Sussex Yeomanry, group photograph
Royal Sussex Regiment Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: RSR Uncat Acc 4254 16th Batt Sussex Yeomanry/001 1906-1917 Postcard. See 001b for reverse

Background imageTrending: Hardham Priory

Hardham Priory
Priory of St Cross an Augustinian monastery. A sepia picture of the ruins of the priory c1892. Hordern Collection General Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No PH5500

Background imageTrending: Young boy riding shire horse at Byworth, Sussex, c1931

Young boy riding shire horse at Byworth, Sussex, c1931 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N4842a

Background imageTrending: Acfords Ltd printers, Industrial Estate, Sussex

Acfords Ltd printers, Industrial Estate, Sussex
Men working at Acfords Ltd printers, Industrial Estate, Sussex interior, 20 Mar 1957 Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS0752-2

Background imageTrending: Sgt Babbage lighting a cigarette, Bognor, 26 Aug 1940

Sgt Babbage lighting a cigarette, Bognor, 26 Aug 1940
On the beach at Bognor Regis close to the pier, the rescued pilot is accompanied by policemen and soldiers. Sgt Cyril Babbage belonged to 602 City of Glasgow Squadron, based at Westhampnett

Background imageTrending: Old Chain Pier Brighton

Old Chain Pier Brighton
Postcard showing the pier early 20th century Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No:PH 22406

Background imageTrending: Midhurst: cottages on Knockhundred Row, 1902

Midhurst: cottages on Knockhundred Row, 1902
The cottages are now home to Midhursts public library John Fletcher Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No PH 26114/52

Background imageTrending: Old Mill at Sidlesham, surrounded by floods. 1910

Old Mill at Sidlesham, surrounded by floods. 1910
Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 15862

Background imageTrending: Village Street, Yapton, West Sussex

Village Street, Yapton, West Sussex
View of the village street with 3 people and the church visible in the distance Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: PH 1194

Background imageTrending: Joyes Shop in Pound Street, Petworth

Joyes Shop in Pound Street, Petworth, showing a hanging display of pheasants, chickens and rabbits, turkeys with the butcher

Background imageTrending: Old Time Cottage, Wiston. date unknown

Old Time Cottage, Wiston. date unknown
Old Time Cottage at Wiston, nr Steyning Photographer: Drewett, W. J. Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: PH 1163

Background imageTrending: The Pier, Worthing, 1920s

The Pier, Worthing, 1920s
Looking southwards towards pier head Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: PH 1184

Background imageTrending: A view of Bosham Harbour and its buildings, 18 May 1891

A view of Bosham Harbour and its buildings, 18 May 1891
Shows Holy Trinity Church in the background and people around the stone bridge. Boats drawn up on the shore (low tide). People on shore and fishing nets have been hung out to dry

Background imageTrending: Broadwater Tithe Map, 1848

Broadwater Tithe Map, 1848
By Messrs. Hide & Patching, Surveyors, Worthing. Standidge & Co. litho. 36 Old Jewry, London. 26.6 in. to 1 m. Original map size 112in. × 60in

Background imageTrending: Men playing shove-halfpenny in Hollist Arms, Lodsworth

Men playing shove-halfpenny in Hollist Arms, Lodsworth with barman looking on. c1934 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N10280

Background imageTrending: Delivery at Selsey c. 1933

Delivery at Selsey c. 1933
Ford railcar set on the curve at Selsey Station with livestock, goods and empty milk churns being unloaded from the centre wagon. The Selsey Tramway opened in 1897 and formed part of Col

Background imageTrending: Robertsbridge Station c. 1952

Robertsbridge Station c. 1952
The southern end of the Kent & East Sussex Railway with Terrier No

Background imageTrending: Inaugural train, on RHDR 5 August 1926

Inaugural train, on RHDR 5 August 1926
The Duke of York at New Romney having driven the inaugural train on The Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway

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