Men playing shove-halfpenny in Hollist Arms, Lodsworth with barman looking on. c1934 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N10280
Lady Cider Drinker - about 1939Lady sitting on an Austin Seven holding an apple and a bottle of Bulmers Woodpecker Cider. Photographic entry for Bulmers Competition. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No
W Kevis, Colwyn BayDate: 1886 Photographer: Walter Kevis Walter Kevis Collection West Sussex Record Office Reference No: Kevis 1/K69
Reed - Whittington wedding, January 1945Bride and groom George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No: Garland N24184
Portrait of a young woman - May 1940Smartly dressed young lady with hat poses for the camera. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N19288
Evacuees leaving hall, September 1939 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N18710
1920s Wedding Group with bride, groom, bridesmaids and best man George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N388
Wedding - Groom, Best Man and Ushers Chichester Photographic Society West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3759-15
Christening at Petworth outside church, May 1946 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N26584
Golden Wedding - October 1948Couple in the doorway of their home, the lady with a large bunch of flowers George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. N30633
Wedding Guests - May 1943Three girls dressed for the wedding, all wearing hats and corsages. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N22926
Portrait of two children - December 1943Baby in perambulator with young boy alongside standing in his model car. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N22797
A winter wedding - about 1941Wedding group stand in front of the church porch George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N21261
Evacuees - December 1941Two young boys in school uniform. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N21052
Brothers home on leave - August 1940Group of four men in civilian clothes stand together on a garden path. Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N19760
Portrait of a young man - October 1939A last photograph in civilian clothes for a while. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N18794
Bride & Groom - September 1939Wedding couple stand in arched doorway, bride wearing an unusual dark dress George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N18758
Gentleman Cider Drinker - August 1939Gentleman posing with china tankard and bottle of Bulmers Woodpecker Cider. Photographic entry for Bulmers Competition. George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N18633
Golden Wedding Couple - May 1939Man and his wife operating a grinding wheel - luckily both of them seeing the funny side of posing for such a picture! George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N18209
First Prize & Champion, Loxwood Show - 1939Prize winning bull and handler George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref. No. Garland N18071
Studio portrait of two girls and a boy, December 1935Studio portrait of three children, December 1935 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N12336
Studio portrait of three children, December 1935Studio portrait of two girls and one boy, December 1935 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N12335
Wedding group at Southwater, Sussex. 1924Wedding group at Southwater, Sussex, 19 June 1924 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N485
Young boy in cap and young lady with camera in field, September 1938 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N17334
Life Guards riding up Duncton Hill, being watched by a farmer, August 1936 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N13373A
Portrait of elderly gentleman with his dog, December 1928Portrait of elderly gentleman with his dog in a studio, December 1928 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N1740A
Bride and Groom standing outside St Richards Church, ChichesterBride and Groom standing on steps outside St Richards Church, Chichester Chichester Photographic Society West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3765-11
Bride and Groom standing by wedding car in country lane Chichester Photographic Society West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3760-4
Bride and Groom cutting the wedding cake Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3754-4
Bride and Groom in garden exchanging a kiss Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3752-6
Groom and Best Man in doorway Chichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: CPS3750-1
Petworth House gardens during a recording for BBC radioPetworth House gardens with a man recording an interview with the gardener for BBC radio, July 1950 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N34191
The bridge and groom, 1960sChichester Photographic Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No CPS 3747/15
Judge at London Dairy Show with children, October 1934 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office ref no: Garland N10101