Old Mill at Sidlesham, surrounded by floods. 1910Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 15862
Fittleworth Mill, 1920sPhotograph by George Garland Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N338
Pagham: the windmill, 1902John Fletcher Collection West Sussex Record Office, Ref No PH 26114/8
Capt. Deane - Gearing at Fittleworth Mill, March 1933George Garland Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref No: Garland N6839
Sadler & Co. at Chichester, SussexSadler & Co. at Chichester, c1935 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N12215
Old Mill, Cocking, SussexOld Mill, Cocking, July 1940 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N19484
Cripplegate: windmill, 1908Cripplegate mill, burnt down May 25 1914 Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 26116/134
Windmill in Cowfold, 1908The mill at Joulsfield Common. Photographic Collection, West Sussex Record Office, Ref. PH 26116/128
Stoker at a saw mill, West Grinstead, October 1933 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N8028
Two East Yorks soldiers and two officers wading through mill pond near Petworth, August 1936 George Garland Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: Garland N13370